Essentials words and phrases to survive during your vacations in Portugal

Rubén, actualizado a 5 junio 2019

Tourism has been growing a lot in Portugal in recent years. Now, more and more people can speak English without a problem, but the further you go away from the most popular places, the less English they’ll know.

In addition, it’s always recommended to use some words or expressions in Portuguese (good morning, good afternoon, thank you very much…) as an attention gesture to their culture.

In today’s article, we’re going to see the most common expressions in Portuguese that you’ll need to know to survive in your vacations in Portugal.

Essential Portuguese Phrases

These are the typical phrases you’ll use all the time. We’ll see how to say good morning in Portuguese and some other phrases that you’ll find using all the time.

Essential Portuguese phrases

Good morningBom dia
Buenas eveningBoa tarde
Buenas nightBoa noite
Thank you very muchMuito obrigado (if you are a man) or muito obrigada (if you are woman)
You are welcomeDe nada or Por nada
Excuse meDesculpa

Other typical Portuguese phrases

If you want to go one step further, here you have other expressions that you can learn to integrate more in the Portuguese culture.

Other typical Portuguese phrases

What's yout name?Como se chama? / Qual é seu nome?
My name is...Me chamo...
How's it going?Oi tudo bem?
How are you?Como vai?
Nice to meet youMuito prazer
What time is it?Que hora é? / Que horas são?
What do you want?O que você deseja?
I want you...Quero que...
What do you do?Qual é a sua profissão?
What's your age?Qual é a sua idade?
I'm 25 years oldTenho 25 anos
What's your address?Qual é o seu endereço?
Where are you from?De onde você é?
I am from LondonSou de London
Could you help me?Você pode me ajudar?
What's the name of this street?Qual é o nome dessa rua?

With these expressions you will be able to survive in Portugal without any problem and, probably, you’ll make some locals smile.

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